Innovation Archives - Cuebiq The world’s most accurate location intelligence platform Thu, 02 Nov 2023 18:40:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Innovation Archives - Cuebiq 32 32 Cuebiq CEO Talks Consumer Privacy on Data Gurus Podcast Thu, 02 Nov 2023 18:27:15 +0000

Francesco Guglielmino, CEO of Cuebiq, sat down with Sima Vasa on her weekly podcast, Data Gurus. Together, they covered all things location data and consumer privacy, from the state-of-the-art transparency policies at Cuebiq, to the power of personalized ads and data sharing. Guglielmino also voices his views on his how to balance privacy and profits, why proactive consumer privacy is always worth the cost, and how we've progressed from the "Wild West"—the early days of mobile data collection. Watch the interview below, or listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.


The post Cuebiq CEO Talks Consumer Privacy on Data Gurus Podcast appeared first on Cuebiq.


Francesco Guglielmino, CEO of Cuebiq, sat down with Sima Vasa on her weekly podcast, Data Gurus. Together, they covered all things location data and consumer privacy, from the state-of-the-art transparency policies at Cuebiq, to the power of personalized ads and data sharing. Guglielmino also voices his views on his how to balance privacy and profits, why proactive consumer privacy is always worth the cost, and how we've progressed from the "Wild West"—the early days of mobile data collection. Watch the interview below, or listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts. [embed][/embed]

The post Cuebiq CEO Talks Consumer Privacy on Data Gurus Podcast appeared first on Cuebiq.

Meet Cuebiq’s Expert Customer Success Team Tue, 23 May 2023 16:27:08 +0000

In today's competitive business landscape, understanding clients' needs and providing customized solutions is crucial for long-term success. At Cuebiq, we pride ourselves on having a dedicated and experienced Customer Success Team that goes above and beyond to support three of our core values for excellent customer service: ensuring client satisfaction, sharing industry knowledge, and building great relationships.

Meet The Team

As our clients know, Cuebiq CSMs possess an impressive wealth of knowledge and expertise, enabling them to provide valuable insights and solutions to our clients. Thanks to their proficiency in our products and services, they’re able to anticipate client needs and deliver proactive solutions—often even before the clients ask. 

We recently sat down with Jessy, Tess, Marissa, and Julie, four exceptional Customer Success Managers (CSMs) and discussed their priorities, process, and favorite parts about working with clients. With a combined experience of 17+ years here at Cuebiq, it’s safe to say these CSMs know their stuff!

1. Client Satisfaction

When asked about the most important part of their job, all four CSMs agreed that it is ensuring the satisfaction of their clients.

Jessy: I feel my day has been a success if my clients have found value in our product. By being proactive about positive campaign results, industry updates, and upcoming product launches, I ensure our clients see us as partners. 

Marissa: Definitely client satisfaction! It's my goal with every campaign that Cuebiq be the easiest partner to deal with. I aim to help our clients—not add to their workload!

Julie: Agreed. It’s also important to me that clients recognize the true impact of their advertising campaigns and understand how their media is driving visits to their stores. Location is a powerful tool and it's my job to ensure our clients are getting the most value out of this data.

2. Industry Knowledge

In addition to their exceptional customer service skills, our CSMs are data-driven, highly experienced professionals in the AdTech industry. They are skilled at measuring the success of their programs through metrics such as Uplift, Incrementality and cost per store visit.

Tess: I make sure that our clients have a deep understanding of Cuebiq’s products and how we differentiate in the space. This allows me to create trust with our clients and helps me identify opportunities for the client to get the most value from Cuebiq as possible.

Julie: It's important to me that clients recognize the true impact of their advertising campaigns and understand how their media is driving visits to their stores. Location is a powerful tool and it's my job to ensure our clients are getting the most value out of this data.

3. Building Strong Relationships

At Cuebiq, we believe that building strong relationships, both internally and externally, is essential for success. Our CSMs work together to understand each clients' data and business goals, foster transparent communication about needs and expectations, and establish trust through enthusiastic support. 

Julie: It's important to me to build relationships with my clients and create true partnerships between us. My clients know they can reach out to me at any time and get a fast response, whether it's a quick question or a complex request.

Marissa: I try to be as reliable and responsive as possible. Whether that means answering emails or scheduling calls quickly, I'm always willing to talk through questions or set up.

Tess: I think our proactive communication is something that makes the Cuebiq team stand out. We always aim to be proactive rather than reactive by ensuring clients have a good understanding of our product and recommending ways to help their campaigns succeed! 

Jessy: We each have over 25 clients that we speak to nearly every day, but we work hard to make each one feel like they're the only client. In fact, we once had a major OOH client ask if they were our only client because of the high level of service they were receiving! 


It's clear that our CSMs are passionate about their work and dedicated to helping their clients succeed. Our team sets the industry standard for excellence—combining their extensive knowledge, proactive customer service, data-driven expertise, and strong client relationships to build invaluable partnerships with dozens of clients. If you would like to be connected with someone, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team, or check out the full interview here.

The post Meet Cuebiq’s Expert Customer Success Team appeared first on Cuebiq.


In today's competitive business landscape, understanding clients' needs and providing customized solutions is crucial for long-term success. At Cuebiq, we pride ourselves on having a dedicated and experienced Customer Success Team that goes above and beyond to support three of our core values for excellent customer service: ensuring client satisfaction, sharing industry knowledge, and building great relationships.

Meet The Team

As our clients know, Cuebiq CSMs possess an impressive wealth of knowledge and expertise, enabling them to provide valuable insights and solutions to our clients. Thanks to their proficiency in our products and services, they’re able to anticipate client needs and deliver proactive solutions—often even before the clients ask.  We recently sat down with Jessy, Tess, Marissa, and Julie, four exceptional Customer Success Managers (CSMs) and discussed their priorities, process, and favorite parts about working with clients. With a combined experience of 17+ years here at Cuebiq, it’s safe to say these CSMs know their stuff!

1. Client Satisfaction

When asked about the most important part of their job, all four CSMs agreed that it is ensuring the satisfaction of their clients. Jessy: I feel my day has been a success if my clients have found value in our product. By being proactive about positive campaign results, industry updates, and upcoming product launches, I ensure our clients see us as partners.  Marissa: Definitely client satisfaction! It's my goal with every campaign that Cuebiq be the easiest partner to deal with. I aim to help our clients—not add to their workload! Julie: Agreed. It’s also important to me that clients recognize the true impact of their advertising campaigns and understand how their media is driving visits to their stores. Location is a powerful tool and it's my job to ensure our clients are getting the most value out of this data.

2. Industry Knowledge

In addition to their exceptional customer service skills, our CSMs are data-driven, highly experienced professionals in the AdTech industry. They are skilled at measuring the success of their programs through metrics such as Uplift, Incrementality and cost per store visit. Tess: I make sure that our clients have a deep understanding of Cuebiq’s products and how we differentiate in the space. This allows me to create trust with our clients and helps me identify opportunities for the client to get the most value from Cuebiq as possible. Julie: It's important to me that clients recognize the true impact of their advertising campaigns and understand how their media is driving visits to their stores. Location is a powerful tool and it's my job to ensure our clients are getting the most value out of this data.

3. Building Strong Relationships

At Cuebiq, we believe that building strong relationships, both internally and externally, is essential for success. Our CSMs work together to understand each clients' data and business goals, foster transparent communication about needs and expectations, and establish trust through enthusiastic support.  Julie: It's important to me to build relationships with my clients and create true partnerships between us. My clients know they can reach out to me at any time and get a fast response, whether it's a quick question or a complex request. Marissa: I try to be as reliable and responsive as possible. Whether that means answering emails or scheduling calls quickly, I'm always willing to talk through questions or set up. Tess: I think our proactive communication is something that makes the Cuebiq team stand out. We always aim to be proactive rather than reactive by ensuring clients have a good understanding of our product and recommending ways to help their campaigns succeed!  Jessy: We each have over 25 clients that we speak to nearly every day, but we work hard to make each one feel like they're the only client. In fact, we once had a major OOH client ask if they were our only client because of the high level of service they were receiving!    It's clear that our CSMs are passionate about their work and dedicated to helping their clients succeed. Our team sets the industry standard for excellence—combining their extensive knowledge, proactive customer service, data-driven expertise, and strong client relationships to build invaluable partnerships with dozens of clients. If you would like to be connected with someone, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team, or check out the full interview here.

The post Meet Cuebiq’s Expert Customer Success Team appeared first on Cuebiq.

Leverage Last-Minute Shoppers to Drive Incremental Sales Wed, 14 Nov 2018 16:07:48 +0000

With the US economy humming, growing at its fastest rate in over a decade while unemployment nears 20-year lows, the 2018 holiday shopping season promises to be a good one for retailers. Some estimates predict holiday retail sales increasing 5–6% this year, and the average American consumer is expected to spend a little over $1,500 on holiday expenditures, a whopping 25% increase from last year.

This incremental disposable income will be a boon to retailers across channels and verticals. While online shopping has become an undeniably convenient way to purchase some items, over half of Americans still plan to go to brick-and-mortar locations to do their holiday shopping. In fact, according to a Deloitte Study, shoppers in November and December make an average of seven trips to a physical store to complete their seasonal purchases.

So how can marketers capitalize on these high-value, in-store visits, and when are consumers most likely to be shopping?


Within Cuebiq’s location intelligence platform — which leverages the largest database of accurate and anonymous location data in the US — we used location analytics to see average footfall trends across the top holiday shopping weeks in 2017.

Based on the top holiday-shopping verticals such as Mass Market, Retail, Grocery, and Telecom, we looked at 4 to 5 of the top brands for each vertical to gauge footfall during the most critical weeks in November and December for holiday shopping.

Our intelligence revealed December as being the month with the highest in-store foot traffic, especially the week before Christmas (Dec. Week 3). See below for a top-level view of the average footfall trends by week for each vertical. For a deeper dive into the platform’s capabilities and insights, please contact a Cuebiq sales representative for a custom report.


Are Advertisers Spending Enough in December?

While shoppers flock to brick-and-mortar locations during December, advertising budgets seem to be going in the opposite direction. A recent survey of 100 leading US retailers found that 25% of advertising budgets are spent around Black Friday weekend, while only 5% are left for the week before Christmas. Given the trends in foot traffic, this approach seems a bit backward.

So, while budgets for Black Friday are already planned out, it’s not too late for marketers to capitalize on driving in-store traffic and incremental sales in the weeks leading up to Christmas by using location intelligence for smarter audience targeting. If retailers can save more of their budget for those final few weeks of shopping before the new year, they can reach users at a less-saturated moment while delivering a message to shoppers known to buy in-store.

Leverage Location-Based Audiences for Last-Minute Holiday Shoppers


When it comes to holiday shopping, it’s more important than ever to ensure you reach all potential audience segments who might be interested in your brand, thereby maximizing your ROI. To this end, it’s crucial to identify any new audience segments that you might be missing such as users exhibiting cross-shopping behaviors and those who may be at high risk for shopping with your competitor this season:

Loyal Audiences: 

Over three-fourths (77%) of holiday shoppers plan on buying from the same retailers they did last year ( Deloitte study). Retailers can capture these last-minute loyalists by targeting brand loyal consumers with relevant messaging. Brand loyalists are ripe for targeting with last-minute deals, since they have demonstrated an affinity for your brand and are more inclined to spend those last-minute shopping dollars with you.

Predictive Audiences: 

Through predictive audiences, you can target consumers who are more likely to switch brand loyalties. Cuebiq’s Predictive Audiences use changes in historical visitation patterns such as frequency of visit to a brand and visits to competitive brands to make predictions about which consumers are most likely to shop at competitive locations and which ones will continue to stay loyal. Using predictive audiences allows you to align your ad impressions with high-value consumers who are on the verge of switching brand loyalties. By understanding changes in behavior, marketers can identify consumers who will be more receptive to last-minute holiday offers.

Custom Audiences:

Target consumers who match your buyer personas and campaign parameters by activating custom audiences, such as consumers who might not visit your brand but are active spenders within your industry vertical. For example, you can use “day-parting” to understand the most popular time of day consumers visit similar brand locations, and then create segments based on time of visit.

Cuebiq Audiences offer a variety of  Audience segments available for activation that can help marketers reach high-value shoppers, driving performance and helping retailers find success during this crucial time of year.

The post Leverage Last-Minute Shoppers to Drive Incremental Sales appeared first on Cuebiq.


With the US economy humming, growing at its fastest rate in over a decade while unemployment nears 20-year lows, the 2018 holiday shopping season promises to be a good one for retailers. Some estimates predict holiday retail sales increasing 5–6% this year, and the average American consumer is expected to spend a little over $1,500 on holiday expenditures, a whopping 25% increase from last year. This incremental disposable income will be a boon to retailers across channels and verticals. While online shopping has become an undeniably convenient way to purchase some items, over half of Americans still plan to go to brick-and-mortar locations to do their holiday shopping. In fact, according to a Deloitte Study, shoppers in November and December make an average of seven trips to a physical store to complete their seasonal purchases.

So how can marketers capitalize on these high-value, in-store visits, and when are consumers most likely to be shopping?

  Within Cuebiq’s location intelligence platform — which leverages the largest database of accurate and anonymous location data in the US — we used location analytics to see average footfall trends across the top holiday shopping weeks in 2017. Based on the top holiday-shopping verticals such as Mass Market, Retail, Grocery, and Telecom, we looked at 4 to 5 of the top brands for each vertical to gauge footfall during the most critical weeks in November and December for holiday shopping. Our intelligence revealed December as being the month with the highest in-store foot traffic, especially the week before Christmas (Dec. Week 3). See below for a top-level view of the average footfall trends by week for each vertical. For a deeper dive into the platform’s capabilities and insights, please contact a Cuebiq sales representative for a custom report.  

Are Advertisers Spending Enough in December?

While shoppers flock to brick-and-mortar locations during December, advertising budgets seem to be going in the opposite direction. A recent survey of 100 leading US retailers found that 25% of advertising budgets are spent around Black Friday weekend, while only 5% are left for the week before Christmas. Given the trends in foot traffic, this approach seems a bit backward. So, while budgets for Black Friday are already planned out, it’s not too late for marketers to capitalize on driving in-store traffic and incremental sales in the weeks leading up to Christmas by using location intelligence for smarter audience targeting. If retailers can save more of their budget for those final few weeks of shopping before the new year, they can reach users at a less-saturated moment while delivering a message to shoppers known to buy in-store.

Leverage Location-Based Audiences for Last-Minute Holiday Shoppers

  When it comes to holiday shopping, it’s more important than ever to ensure you reach all potential audience segments who might be interested in your brand, thereby maximizing your ROI. To this end, it’s crucial to identify any new audience segments that you might be missing such as users exhibiting cross-shopping behaviors and those who may be at high risk for shopping with your competitor this season: Loyal Audiences:  Over three-fourths (77%) of holiday shoppers plan on buying from the same retailers they did last year ( Deloitte study). Retailers can capture these last-minute loyalists by targeting brand loyal consumers with relevant messaging. Brand loyalists are ripe for targeting with last-minute deals, since they have demonstrated an affinity for your brand and are more inclined to spend those last-minute shopping dollars with you. Predictive Audiences:  Through predictive audiences, you can target consumers who are more likely to switch brand loyalties. Cuebiq’s Predictive Audiences use changes in historical visitation patterns such as frequency of visit to a brand and visits to competitive brands to make predictions about which consumers are most likely to shop at competitive locations and which ones will continue to stay loyal. Using predictive audiences allows you to align your ad impressions with high-value consumers who are on the verge of switching brand loyalties. By understanding changes in behavior, marketers can identify consumers who will be more receptive to last-minute holiday offers. Custom Audiences: Target consumers who match your buyer personas and campaign parameters by activating custom audiences, such as consumers who might not visit your brand but are active spenders within your industry vertical. For example, you can use “day-parting” to understand the most popular time of day consumers visit similar brand locations, and then create segments based on time of visit. Cuebiq Audiences offer a variety of  Audience segments available for activation that can help marketers reach high-value shoppers, driving performance and helping retailers find success during this crucial time of year.

The post Leverage Last-Minute Shoppers to Drive Incremental Sales appeared first on Cuebiq.
