Cuebiq Location Intelligence

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Blog > Audiences

3 Audience Activation Pro Tips for the Holiday Season

By Rus Ackner

Identifying your target audience during the holidays is a crucial step toward achieving your marketing goals. In order to take full advantage of the lucrative holiday season, you must always be one st...

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Woman shopping for holiday ornaments
Blog > Audiences

How to Ace Your Audience Targeting Strategy

Learn how to ace your media strategy in Q4! We’ve put together some quick tips to help you plan...

Blog > Culture

The Evolution of Cuebiq’s Company Culture Over the Years

When evaluating a company to join, there are many factors that come to mind. You need to...


Effect of COVID-19 response policies on walking behavior in US cities

Source: Nature

Nature utilized Cuebiq's anonymized mobility data to study the walking patterns of 1.62 million users in 10 metropolitan areas...

Blog > OOH

Partner Spotlight: Q&A With Jeremy Flynn, Clear Channel Outdoor

We got the opportunity to sit down with Jeremy Flynn, Vice President of Data Products & Strategy at Clear...

Blog > Attribution

Do You Have a Blind Spot in Your Current Retail Attribution Strategy?

If you’re a retailer, you might not be accurately attributing your campaigns. With the rise of digital...

Blog > Retail

Last-Minute Shoppers and Location Data: What’s Differentiating Brick-And-Mortar This Shopping Season

As the all-important holiday season approaches once again, retailers are faced with figuring out how to deliver...


Cuebiq Launches Market-First Solution that Independently Verifies Data Provenance, User Consent & Ensures Privacy Compliance

Cuebiq enables users, partners, and customers to perform or request third-party validation of any Cuebiq product, as well as...

Blog > Culture

Sending Tweets and Meeting the Team: My First Few Weeks at Cuebiq

My first day as an intern at Cuebiq was just a few weeks ago on a sunny...

Blog > Culture

Six Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Tech Job at Cuebiq in Milan

At Cuebiq, our interview process is simple. It is quick, technical, and fun. Ask any Cuebiqer why...

Blog > Attribution

How Cuebiq’s Attribution Dashboard Can Answer Your Marketing Questions

If you’re a marketer like me, whenever you launch a new ad campaign you will most likely...

Whitepaper > Measurement

The New Metrics That Matter for Brick-and-Mortar Retailers

Without knowing or having the ability to understand what is actually driving consumers to the store, retail marketers are...

Blog > Attribution

Partner Spotlight: Q&A With Tom Riordan, Adobe

The Cuebiq marketing team got the chance to chat with Tom Riordan, Head of Advanced Measurement Group, Adobe Advertising...

Blog > Cuebiq

Working in Cuebiq’s Milan Office: An International Baccalaureate Student’s Perspective

When you’re only 17, your first experience in the workforce can seem a little intimidating. You have...

Blog > Cuebiq

Perks & Benefits: What Makes Being an Employee in Cuebiq’s Milan Office Unique

Searching for a new job can be a daunting and stressful task; we get it. There are...

Blog > Cuebiq

Cuebiq’s Values: How We Created Them and What They Mean to Us

A few years ago, we hosted a pivotal company-wide retreat in Nassau, Bahamas. Company culture is integral...


Brands Saved Almost $10 For Each Incremental Store Visit in 2018 Vs. 2017

Cuebiq’s latest Footfall Attribution Benchmarks report reveals year-to-year brand uplift, visit rate, cost per incremental visit (CPIV) and dwell time metrics across brand categories and platforms New York, NY (April 24, 2019) – Brands spent an average of $13.71 to drive each incremental store visit in 2018 – approximately ten...

Blog > Attribution

The Current State of Marketing Attribution: Three Things You Need to Know

Marketing attribution has long remained a relatively simple idea: spend money on marketing campaigns, evaluate views and...

Blog > SDK

The Truth About the SDK: It Alone Is Not Enough

This article was written before Cuebiq deprecated our SDK, which you can learn more about in this blog....